Barron Trump is the First Presidential Son to Live in the White House since John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1963

Barron Trump
Barron Trump will be the first presidential son to live in the White House since 1963.

John F. Kennedy Jr. was the last boy to live in the White House. He was three years old when his father was assassinated. Before that was four-year old Quentin Roosevelt, who moved in in 1901 after his father Theodore became president.
Ten-year-old Barron is already receiving tonnes of media attention, much of it fawning. Several publications put-together round-ups of people commenting on how cute Barron looked during his father’s victory speech. Barron kept shifting around and trying to stay awake during the speech early in the morning Wednesday. He seemed similarly bored during Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention.
Barron Trump is close to breaking another record. After Sasha Obama, who was only 7 when her father was elected president, Barron will be the youngest child in the White House in about fifty years.

No matter their age, the children of presidents receive close, sometimes vicious, scrutiny from the American press. By contrast, the children of Canadian Prime Ministers can generally count on their personal lives not being ruthlessly examined.

Source: National Post

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