Hundreds of Abandoned Filipino Children Fathered by Sex Trade Tourists Fill the Streets of This Slum

Many netizens blame the women for not using birth control pills while ‘working’.

Angeles City, a bustling town on the northern shore of the Philippines, is known to be one of the hot spots for sex tourism. Sex trade tourists, specifically foreigners, find young women who are willing to do anything for money.
Unfortunately, some of these women get pregnant, and give birth to many fatherless children.
In the City of Angeles, in an area called Hadrian’s Extension, hundreds of fatherless children fill the streets. These children are mostly conceived by foreigners, who refused to accept them as their own and abandoned them.
The slums where they live in are made of compacted rubbish, rubble and dirt. The children are often left alone at home while their mothers go to work. All these children could do was to play with other children in the area.
More often than not, children conceived by foreigners are looked down upon and are being bullied by others. Other children make fun of them for being abandoned by their fathers, as their prostitute mothers continue to live that kind of life.
Some of the fathers paid to support their children, then stopped. Some never paid at all. Some don’t even know they have children.

More than 4.7 million foreigners come to the Philippines each year. More than 60% of them are men, and Australians are among the most numerous and are the third biggest spenders. In 2011 the then US ambassador to the Philippines, Harry K Thomas Jr, stated that 40% of male tourists visited the country for sex, and no other reason.

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