Elementary Days:

1991-1992: Kinder

June 3, 1991:(5yo)
*1st day of school in Tigbanaba elementary School.

*I was graduated 1st honor in kinder.

1992-1993: Grade 1

*I was graduated 1st honor in Grade 1.

1993-1994: Grade 2

August 3, 1993: (7yo)
*I joined the group "The Kidlitz" we're composed of 7 members: Johnny a.k.a."Akido",
Ryan"Mighty Boy", Jason"Kano", Joseph"Udlot", Emilio"Tang's", Jay-R"Speedy Boy",

October'93: (8yo)

* I was chosen as a track n' field athlete to represent our school during the Igbaras
Municipal Sports Meet.I was 1st place in 100 & 400 meter dash category and 2nd in 200 meter dash category.

March'94: (8yo)

*During graduation, I was awarded as an A-1 Filipino Child during the 1994 children and
youth achievement week.
*I was graduated 1st honor in Grade 2.

1994-1995: Grade 3

January 21, 1995: (9yo)
* My 1st Holy Communion.

March'95: (9yo)
* I was graduated 1st honor in Grade 3.

April 3, 1995(3:00 PM): (9yo)
* My first step to become a man was happened, i was circumcised by Dr. James Esmeralda.

1995-1996: Grade 4

August'95: (9yo)
*I got my first kiss.

October'95: (10yo)
*My 1st sexual experience was happened.

March'96: (10yo)
*March 10-16, 1996, i joined 18th Western Visayas Regional Diamond Jubilee Jamborette,
in Camp Valentine Marquez, Baranggay Batangan, Hamtic, Antique.
*I was graduated 4th honor in Grade 4.

1996-1997: Grade 5

July'96: (10yo)
*Crushes begins.
*1st puppy love.
*Physical and Mental changes.

March'97: (11yo)
*I was graduated 2nd honor in Grade 5.

1997-1998: Grade 6

December 1, 1997: (12yo)
*I was undergone surgical operation of my cease on my left ankle.

March'98: (12yo)
*I Was graduated Class Salutatorian.
*Awarded as Boy Scout of the Year, Best in Math, Artist of the year, Athlete of the year,

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