Is it Real Ghost Caught on Camera under Bridge at Jubilee Park Brunei?

It was around 7 Pm that time when we were jogging at Jubli Park then suddenly raining , so we decided to go and stay under the bridge. It was so dark and scary. I turned on my camera and we started to make a video just to lessen our fears. We heard boy whispering then suddenly......

Just see for yourself!


McDonald's Celebrating The National Breakfast Day

McDonald's Brunei is celebrating the National Breakfast Day 2016 Today, which is part of a global McDonald's event in selected countries that include Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Manila, India, Korea, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa and Taiwan.

Photo taken this morning 7am, October 24, 2016 @ McDonald Gadong

"McDonald's Brunei is joining the annual worldwide activity the first time this year, and they gave away 2,000 Egg McMuffins with Chicken Rolls at both of our restaurant branches.

Today, starting from 7am to 10pm, 1,000 pieces will be distributed at the McDonald's eatery in Gadong, while another 1,000 will be distributed at the drive-thru restaurant in Jerudong Park.

For those who want to upgrade their breakfast meal with coffee or tea and one hashbrown, a promotional price is on offer, that will be cheaper than on normal days - but the offer extends only to coupon holders.

McDonald's will also be giving away free Egg McMuffins and Chicken Rolls to teachers at the Jerudong and Pusar Ulak primary schools, as well as to the tradespeople at the Jerudong Wet Market and Tamu Kianggeh.

In addition, a total of 200 limited-edition coupons will be available to customers who purchase a breakfast set of more than $10, which in turn entitles them to enjoy a free big breakfast set.

Strongest Kid in the World Greets his Pinoy Fan

Giuliano and Claudio Stroe, The Strongest Kids in the World!

Source: Facebook

Giuliano Stroe (born July 18, 2004) is a Romanian gymnast and child bodybuilder.
Source: Facebook

In 2009, he was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records after setting the record for the fastest ever ten metre (33 feet) hand-walk with a weight ball between his legs. Stroe performed the stunt in front of a cheering live audience on an Italian TV show, and has become an internet sensation as hundreds of thousands of people have watched the clip of him performing the stunt on YouTube.

On February 24, 2010 he broke the world record for the number of 90-degree push-ups, which is an exercise where push-ups are performed without letting your feet touch the ground. Stroe managed 20 90-degree push-ups, beating his previous record of 12, live on Romanian TV. By 2011, Giuliano could do up to 40 90-degree push-ups.
Giuliano has also broken world records every year since then. Those include: human flag   (1 minute 32 seconds), human flag pullups (31), and muscle ups (41). He also has unofficial records like 20 push-ups on 4 glass bottles, 10, 90 degree push-ups on two rings, 40 handstand push-ups, a one-handed handstand for more than 20 seconds, an iron cross for more than 40 seconds, and one-handed 90-degree push-ups on a pommel support.

Claudio Stroe (Born June 5, 2006)The younger brother of Giuliano Stroe, at 3 years old he did his first 90 degree pushups.

Source: Facebook

Stress can make us FAT, So here are the 7 Ways To Beat Stress Fat

Anxiety is a powerful trigger for weight gain.

Here's how to stop it—fast.

Stress fat 101

For most of us, stress is a fact of life. Unfortunately, research reveals that it's also a fact of fat. "Even if you usually eat well and exercise, chronic high stress can prevent you from losing weight—or even add pounds," says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Body for Life for Women.
Here's what happens: Your body responds to all stress in exactly the same way. So every time you have a stressful day, your brain instructs your cells to release potent hormones. You get a burst of adrenaline, which taps stored energy so you can fight or flee. At the same time, you get a surge of cortisol, which tells your body to replenish that energy even though you haven't used very many calories. This can make you hungry...very hungry. And your body keeps on pumping out that cortisol as long as the stress continues. (Balance your hormones and lose up to 15 pounds in just 3 weeks by learning how to reset your hormones! Click here)
But few of us reach for carrots in these situations. "Instead, we crave sweet, salty, and high-fat foods because they stimulate the brain to release pleasure chemicals that reduce tension," explains Elissa Epel, PhD, a researcher on stress eating at the University of California, San Francisco. This soothing effect becomes addicting, so every time you're anxious, you want fattening foods.
With your adrenal glands pumping out cortisol, production of the muscle-building hormone testosterone slows down. "Over time, this drop causes a decrease in your muscle mass, so you burn fewer calories," explains Shawn Talbott, PhD, author of The Cortisol Connection. "This occurs naturally as you age, but high cortisol levels accelerate the process." Cortisol also encourages your body to store fat—especially visceral fat, which is particularly dangerous because it surrounds vital organs and releases fatty acids into your blood, raising cholesterol and insulin levels and paving the way for heart disease and diabetes.
Obviously, getting rid of all anxiety isn't an option. But by taking these 7 steps to beat stress, you can get your cortisol levels and your weight under control—and improve your health.

1. Drop and do 10.
That's right, power out some push-ups. "Moving your muscles is an effective, instant stress reliever. It actually fools your body into thinking you're escaping the source of your stress," says Talbott. "Exercise makes your blood circulate more quickly, transporting the cortisol to your kidneys and flushing it out of your system." But if push-ups aren't practical, just flexing your hands or calf muscles will help move cortisol along, he says. Even taking a stroll on your lunch break is beneficial. In one study, Talbott found that 18 minutes of walking 3 times per week can quickly lower the hormone's levels by 15%.
Watch The Pilates Push-Up to see this move in action.
More from Prevention: Master Push-Ups In 3 Steps

2. Go slowly at meals.
Under stress, we tend to scarf down even healthy food. In fact, research has linked this behavior to bigger portions and more belly fat. But Epel hypothesizes that slowing down, savoring each bite, and paying attention to feelings of fullness may lower cortisol levels along with decreasing the amount of food you eat, thereby shifting the distribution of fat away from the belly.

3. Stop strict dieting.
It's ironic, but research shows that constant dieting can make cortisol levels rise as much as 18%. In addition, when your cortisol levels spike, your blood sugar goes haywire, first rising, then plummeting. This makes you cranky and (you guessed it) ravenous. When your brain is deprived of sugar—its main fuel—self-control takes a nosedive, and your willpower doesn't stand a chance. (Balance your hormones and lose up to 15 pounds in just 3 weeks by learning how to reset your hormones! Click here)

4. Give in to cravings‚ a little.
When stress drives you toward something sweet or salty, it's okay to yield a little. "It's much better to indulge in a small way and cut off your cortisol response before it gets out of control," says Epel. "Have a piece of chocolate. You will feel better. Just stop at one." If you have trouble restraining yourself, take precautions so you won't binge. Buy a single cookie when you're out instead of keeping a box at home; or keep them in the freezer so you have to wait for one to defrost.

5. Curtail caffeine.
Next time you're under duress, choose decaf. When you combine stress with caffeine, it raises cortisol levels more than stress alone. In one study by the University of Oklahoma, consuming the equivalent of 2½ to 3 cups of coffee while under mild stress boosted cortisol by about 25%—and kept it up for 3 hours. When subjects took 600 mg of caffeine (the equivalent of 6 cups of java) throughout the day, the hormone went up by 30% and stayed high all day long. You'll experience these effects even if your body is accustomed to a lot of lattes. And because high cortisol levels can contribute to stress eating, you might want to consider quitting caffeine altogether.

6. Power up breakfast.
Deficiencies in B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium are stressful to your body. And these deficiencies lead to increased cortisol levels and food cravings, says Talbott. But you can fight back by eating a breakfast that's high in these nutrients. He suggests some OJ, a grapefruit, or a large handful of strawberries to supply vitamin C; 6 to 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, which contains calcium and magnesium; and a whole grain bagel or toast with a bit of peanut butter. Whole grains are bursting with B vitamins, while peanut butter contains fatty acids that can decrease the production of stress hormones.
More from Prevention: 13 Power Breakfasts For Energy

7. Sleep it off.
The most effective stress-reduction strategy of all: Get enough shut-eye. "Your body perceives sleep deprivation as a major stressor," says Talbott. A University of Chicago study found that getting an average of 6½ hours each night can increase cortisol, appetite, and weight gain. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours. As if that weren't enough, other research shows that lack of sleep also raises levels of ghrelin, a hunger-boosting hormone. In one study, appetite—particularly for sweet and salty foods—increased by 23% in people who lacked sleep. The good news: A few nights of solid sleep can bring all this back into balance, and getting enough regularly helps keep it there. Says Talbott, "You'll eat less, and you'll feel better, too."
More from Prevention: 12 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

Source: Prevention

What is the right time to "QUIT" your JOB?

We've all had bad days at the office and onsite . Maybe even a bad week or two.
But if you can't remember the last good day you've had at work, it might be time to seriously consider quitting.
Of course, you'll want more to go on than this, which is why we compiled a list of signs indicating it may be time to quit your job.
If you've noticed a number of these issues for at least a few months now, you should seriously consider packing up that miserable desk for good.

1. You're bored all the time.

"If you're no longer challenged in your position and have tried communicating with your boss to no avail, this may be a sign that it's time to leave," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert, leadership coach, and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant."
Although boredom is a very standard feeling, researchers believe prolonged feelings of boredom while at work are a warning sign that you are not doing what you want to be doing and are searching for more meaning.
If you're spending most of your workday on the internet shopping or playing games, or if you're checking the time frequently at work, those are key indicators, Taylor says.

2. Your skills aren't being tapped.

We all know that sometimes you have to take whatever you can get, stick it out for a while and, hopefully, prove to your boss that you're capable of managing more responsibilities.
But if you've been doing this awhile, and you're still stuck in a position that doesn't allow you to utilize your skills, then it's time to start considering other options, Taylor says.
"When you know you have more to offer the world, don't second-guess yourself — get ready for change," she says.

3. Your employer's goals and your personal mission don't match up.

People don't stay put in a job for as long as they can stand it anymore, former GE CEO Jack Welch and Suzy Welch, a best-selling author and business journalist, wrote in a LinkedIn post. These days, people consider whether they are investing their time at the right or wrong company.
As Business Insider previously reported, the Welches suggest asking yourself if your company "jibes with your life's goals and values." "Does it require you to travel more than you'd like, given your chosen work-life balance? Does it offer enough upward mobility, given your level of ambition?" they say.
How you answer these questions could signal whether it's time to move on.

4. You've got the boss from hell.

As the management professor Merideth Ferguson once said, most people quit bosses, they don't quit jobs.
According to Taylor, your boss' attitude doesn't just affect your time at work; it actually affects other important aspects of your life.
If you've tried everything to make it work and your life is simply unbearable, then it's time to visit your favorite job board, she says.

5. You feel like you can't ever win.

In a LinkedIn post, Robert O'keane, an international search consultant for Charles Francis Cooper, warns against ignoring the feeling that you can never win at work.
"Your job should make you feel exhilarated and challenged — like you are succeeding in something, rather than like you are fighting a losing battle and not achieving anything," he writes.

6. You're not growing.

"It's easy to get stuck in a job and, if you love what you're doing, getting stuck can be comfortable," Travis Bradberry writes on LinkedIn. "However, it's important to remember that every job should enhance your skills and add to your value as an employee."
Bradberry warns if you're not learning anything new and are simply doing the same thing every day, it's time to look elsewhere.

7. You always watch what you say.

Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and cofounder of Ellevest, confessed on LinkedIn that she's stayed in a few jobs that she probably shouldn't have. One of the signs it was time to quit she says she ignored was that she thought — and rethought — every word that came of her mouth.
"How would this sound? How would this be interpreted? Was this statement too far off the other views around the table?" she often wondered.
"I've worked in cultures in which 'no idea is a bad idea' and in ones in which you had to watch what you say," Krawcheck notes. "I am very over the term 'authentic,' but if you can't be 'authentic' at your job, it's time to look for another job."

8. Your company isn't invested in you.

Employee engagement is one of those buzzworthy management phrases we hear all the time, but there's a reason it got to be so overused: employee engagement matters.
As Gallup notes, engaged employees are passionate, creative, and emotionally connected to the mission and purpose of their work, while disengaged employees are indifferent toward their jobs and can destroy a business.
If your company doesn't seem to care about your engagement, you'd be better off working elsewhere.

9. You worry about money — all the time.

It's true that most of us worry about money often, but if this worry is constantly on your mind and it's not because you're a shopaholic, then maybe you're not getting paid enough.
If you've been at your current company long enough, request to speak to management about this. Make sure your argument as to why you should be paid more is applicable. Then, ask for an evaluation.
If the company doesn't agree that you need to be paid consistent with your workload, then it might be time to find a company that doesn't make you feel like they're doing you a favor by paying you, Taylor says.

10. It looks like layoffs are coming.

There are several signs mass layoffs may be coming, from previous rounds of downsizing to recent acquisitions and mergers. 
"There's no need to go down with this ship," Taylor says. "Put on your life preserver and get in the water."

11. You can't picture yourself at your company in a year.

As previously reported on Business Insider, the Welches say a year is about how long it takes to find a new, better job. That's why they suggest trying to look forward to 12 months from now and picturing where you'll most likely be in the organization, what work you'll be doing, who you'll be managing, and who will be managing you.
"If that scenario strikes you with anything short of excitement, then you're spinning your wheels," they say.

12. You've got serious trust issues.

If you don't trust your boss or company because you believe they engage in unethical activities, or worse, expect you to partake, you know it's time to go, Taylor says.
"You should never feel pressured to comply with activities that could hurt your career," she says. "And if you've lost trust in your boss, due to anything from lying to false promises, it's hard to stay put."

13. You're burnt out.

Work can be taxing for everyone, and we all occasionally feel weary after a long day at the office, but if your life is a chronic state of stress and exhaustion thanks to work, you're probably suffering from job burnout.
The physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion from work can manifest themselves in a number of ways, from significant weight gain or loss and inconsistent sleep patterns to getting upset by every little thing that's happening at work.
"Stress, fear, or lack of enthusiasm can drain your energy and hurt your performance, creating a lose-lose proposition," Taylor says.

14. You dread Mondays.

"We all get a case of the Mondays from time to time, but if even thinking about your job fills you with dread, it's probably time to leave," Bradberry writes.
While the "Sunday night blues" are quite common, one of the biggest signs you're burnt out at work, according to burnout specialist Ben Fanning, is when your weekend feels more like a liberation and you deeply fear your return to work.
"You know you're really stressed when you truly feel like you've been freed when the weekend rolls around," he says.

15. You can't laugh out loud at work.

"Yes, I know, 'work is called work for a reason,' but in most of my jobs, I've had a comfort level that we could have the occasional 'laugh until you cry' moment," Krawcheck writes. "When that's gone, it's a key signal."

16. You just know.

When it comes to knowing that things are amiss, your gut can be your greatest ally.
If you've been actively researching job listings, talking about quitting for some time, and you feel it's the right thing to do — even if you're scared of the unknown — it may be time to listen to that little voice and go for it.


If your Blood Type is "O" You must Stop doing this!

Web Photo
People with this blood type 0 has a huge role in any society.
They tend to be productive and powerful at the same time, but when experiencing stress, they may become mad, impulsive and hyperactive.

There is a study in Japan where there is an association between this blood type and the type of personality one’s possess.
That is why, in some cases in a job interview, interviewee often ask your blood type.
It is said that people that have a blood type 0 are more often to be    responsiblecommittedorganizedwell focusedconscientious and more practical. It has been raised that people with the blood type 0 can orient better and tend to be a better logician.

These traits that a person with blood type 0 possesses makes that person special that everyone wants to hang out with you.
Furthermore, people with this kind of blood type tend to be exposed to diseases such as Ulcers and thyroid dysfunction. 

This is due to having low thyroid hormone levels and insufficient iodine – a chemical element whose function is to regulate the thyroid hormones.
Obesity, fluid retention and fatigue are the side effects.

Experts explained that if your blood type is O, you should avoid in taking caffeine and alcohol.

Caffeine can harm you, this is because the level of adrenaline rises which is naturally high with people who has O type of blood.

Exercise is needed every day or 3-4 times a week. 

However, on a positive side, the genetic inheritance that you have open the doors for you to have a strong, productive and a long and optimistic life.

Republic of the Philippines President Rodrigo Roa Duterte Visits Brunei Darussalam

President Duterte on his Speech
PRESIDENT of the Republic of the Philippines Rodrigo Roa Duterte finally visits Brunei Darussalam today. after he had cancelled his official visit scheduled in early September following a deadly explosion in his hometown Davao City, Philippines.
The president is scheduled to meet the Filipino community at the Indoor Stadium today.
Pres. Duterte will be accorded an official welcome tomorrow, Monday at the Istana Nurul Iman before an audience and bilateral meeting with His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
A state banquet will also be held on Monday evening.
President Duterte will be flying to China on October 18 after his Brunei visits, Philippine Foreign Affairs spokesperson Charles Jose said.
“Both (state) visits are expected to enhance the friendly relations with both countries and to ensure them that the Philippines continue to be their partners in the region,” Jose said in a press briefing in MalacaƱang.